Πέμπτη 19 Ιουνίου 2008


A prayer to take you Home, from today's lesson, "There is no death, the Son of God is free."

Our Father, bless our eyes today. We are Your messengers, and we would look upon the glorious reflection of Your Love Which shines in everything. We live and breathe in You alone. We are not separate from Your eternal life. There is no death, for death is not Your Will. And we abide where You have placed us, in the Life we share with You and with all living things, to be like You
and part of You forever. We accept Your Thoughts as ours, and our will is One with Yours eternally.

*Here are some short, half hour episodes of our amazing online TV show, "It's A Miracle". Here is the link to a whole new experience of yourself and everything! Welcome to this greater joining of awakened Miracle Minds. Enjoy!


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Δημοσίευση σχολίου

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  ΜΑΘΗΜΑ 347 Ο θυμός προέρχεται από την κρίση. Η κρίση είναι το όπλο που χρησιμοποιώ εναντίον του εαυτού μου, για να κρατήσω τα θαύματα μα...