"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth".
Approached from a theological or literal perspective, this
Beatitude would no doubt suggest that "meek", in other words timid,
passive, submissive people will somehow gain control over our
planet at the expense of those who typically seek power and control
- of which there are of course many. And of course this would not,
understandably make sense to most, after all, how can such timid
people with no ambition or drive take over the World?
The true, inner meaning of this Beatitude is of course very
different indeed.
"Earth" does not mean the planet Earth, but rather our whole outer
physical experience. To "inherit the earth" therefore means to gain
complete mastery over our entire physical experience, therefore
representing one of the most important cornerstones of why we are
here on Earth in the first place.
More specifically,"earth" represents causation, outer manifestation
as a causal effect of mental processes. As we know, the most
fundamental and primary Principle of the Universe is Mind which
influences the Energy of which all in creation is constituted.
According to the theological interpretations of the church, "meek",
in this context means, and I quote:
"The meek are happy. The meek are those who quietly submit to God;
who can bear insult; are silent, or return a soft answer; who, in
their patience, keep possession of their own souls, when they can
scarcely keep possession of anything else. These meek ones are
happy, even in this world".
The word "meek" however, as used in the context of this Beatitude
means something completely different, as taught by Jesus.
"Meek" is actually used to represent a mental attitude - a state of
Mind. The word "meek" may not be the best, and was probably not the
correct translation from the original Ancient Greek text, but the
truth is there is no other word that can adequately express the
true meaning in context.
The word "meek" represents a specific state of Mind consistent with
attracting and experiencing great Abundance and experiential joy
and health - this is why the "meek" "inherit the earth" - not the
"Earth". "Inherit" may also be replaced with the more modern and
better understood word "attract", most popularly recognised in the
context of The Law of Attraction.
So meekness is a mental attitude or state of Mind that is devoid of
Ego and all material desires, consistent with the expression of
Abundance, Health and Perfection from within, which is subsequently
expressed and experienced without.
Meekness also implies a willingness to allow Divine Providence,
Universal Mind, God to express into physical manifestation by the
most direct, perfect and appropriate means that are totally
harmonious, and not in accordance with the demands and expectations
of individual Ego or out of greed and/or materialism.
One major reason for failure with the Law of Attraction is due to
the fact that the Ego of a person will, when attempting to use The
Law of Attraction, dwell on where the wishes will materialise from
thereby imposing the same limitations on God, Source, Divine
Providence and also failing to recognise and realise our true
Source of power - Source, God, Universal Life Energy within.
So in conclusion, the inner meaning of:
"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth" is this:
Those who understand the true mental nature of the Universe, and
can associate with the Universe with the correct "meek" state of
Mind, shall easily manifest, i.e. "inherit" i.e attract Abundance,
Health, Happiness and attract all they consciously wish for in to
material, experiential expression, i.e. the "earth" - not the Earth.
Adrian Cooper (author of Our Ultimate Reality)
Adrian Cooper (author of Our Ultimate Reality)
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