Κυριακή 1 Ιουνίου 2008


I have faith and I fully accept the Holy Spirit’s Purpose. This faith includes everything. My goal is His goal: Truth. Everyone and every situation involved in it will play their part in the accomplishment of this goal. No one will fail in anything.

God is my strength. Vision is His gift.


I enter each situation with the faith I give my brother. My faith will call the others to share my purpose, as the same called forth the faith in me. And I will see the means I once employed to lead me to illusions transformed to means for truth.

When the Holy Spirit changed the purpose of my relationship by exchanging mine for His, the goal He placed there was extended to every situation in which I enter, or will even enter. And every situation was thus made free of the past, which would have made it purposeless.

I call for faith because of Him Who walks with me in every situation. I am no longer wholly insane, nor no longer alone. For loneliness in God must be a dream. I whose relationship shares the Holy Spirit’ s goal am set apart from loneliness because the truth has come. Its call for faith is strong. I use not my faithlessness against it, for it calls me to salvation and peace.

I join with Truth and let illusions go.


I give all my relationships to Him Who gives them life and beauty.

I let Him uncover the hidden spark of beauty in my relationship and show it to me.

I let this spark transform the relationship so I can see it more and more.

I let Him hold the spark before me, to light my way and make it clear to me.

I give the past to Him Who can change my mind about it for me. But first I make sure I fully realize what I have made the past to represent, and why.


I do not interfere.

The goal’s reality will call forth and accomplish every miracle needed for its fulfillment. Nothing too small or too enormous, too weak or too compelling, but will be gently turned to its use and purpose. The universe will serve gladly, as it serves the universe. I do not interfere.

I let the truth be what it is.

I do not intrude upon it, do not attack it, do not interrupt its coming. I let it encompass every situation and bring me peace.

I let it enter, and it will call forth and secure for me the faith I need for peace.

I have risen far beyond any situation that could hold me back, and keep me separate from Him Whose Call I answered

ΜΑΘΗΜΑ 347 Ο θυμός προέρχεται από την κρίση. Η κρίση είναι το όπλο που χρησιμοποιώ εναντίον του εαυτού μου, για να κρατήσω τα θαύματα μακριά από εμένα.

  ΜΑΘΗΜΑ 347 Ο θυμός προέρχεται από την κρίση. Η κρίση είναι το όπλο που χρησιμοποιώ εναντίον του εαυτού μου, για να κρατήσω τα θαύματα μα...